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JEROSSE 婕樂纖 Bobo Jump

單盒售價 $96 SGD per box

三盒一組售價 $261 SGD ($87 SGD each)


[品名 Product name]

JEROSSE婕樂纖 波波醬 BO BO JUMP (80顆/盒)


[成分 Ingredient]


Japanese patented collagen, Russian rye extract, white high grain extract, cranberry extract, Roselle flower extract (Rosedale flower extract, calcium carbonate), lecithin, zinc glycine, complex ferrous glycine Ferrous amino acid, citric acid, maltodextrin, silica), inulin, croscarmellose sodium, vitamin C (vitamin C, hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose), microcrystalline α- Cellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, magnesium stearate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, (hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, water, sodium chloride), silicon dioxide, polyethylene glycol (polyethylene glycol, Dibutyl hydroxytoluene)


[食用方式 How to eat]  

一般吃法:早晚飯後各2顆,共4顆. Genaral : 2 each after lunch and dinner, total 4 a day

加強吃法:早晚飯後各3顆.共6顆. Improve: 3 each after lunch and dinner, total 6 a day

( 敏感體質建議少量循序漸進食用 Suggested to eat in small quantities and gradually for sensitive constitution)


[補充說明 Note]




Please check your physical condition before purchasing the product

Do not consume the following customers! !! !!


- 蟹足腫 Keloid

- 16歲以下 Age under 16 y/o

- 孕婦 Pregnant women

- 特殊重大疾病患者 Patients with critical illness

- 坐月子 Confinement

- 任何子宮疾病皆不可使用此產品

Do not use this product for any uterine disease

包含常見的 :

1.多囊性卵巢 Polycystic ovary

2.子宮肌瘤 Uterine fibroids

3.子宮肌腺症 Uterine adenomyosis

4.巧克力囊腫 Endometrioma

5.子宮內膜癌 Endometrial cancer

6.卵巢癌 Ovarian cancer



Do not consume other uncommon uterine diseases

- 任何胸部疾病都不能食用此產品

Do not consume this product for any chest disease

1.乳腺/泌乳激素增生 Breast / prolactin hyperplasia

2.乳房纖維瘤 Breast fibroma

3.乳頭狀瘤 Papilloma

4.乳腺癌 Breast cancer

5.急性乳腺癌 Acute breast cancer

波波醬 Bobo Jump

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