JEROSSE 婕樂纖 水光錠 Snow White
單盒售價 $88 SGD per box
三合一組售價 $240 SGD ($80 SGD each )
[品名 Product name]
JEROSSE 婕樂纖 水光錠 Snow White, (60顆/盒)
JEROSSE Snow White, (60 pcs / box)
[成分 Ingredients]
日本專利 Hyabest 爆水玻尿酸
Japanese Patent Hyabest Hyaluronic Acid
-99.9%玻尿酸強效鎖水 強化肌膚彈性
99.9% Hyaluronic acid effectively locks water and strengthens skin elasticity
won't be destroyed by stomach acid
Absorb into skin joints or even eye crystal spheres within 30 minutes
有機藻紅素 Organic phycoerythrin
-在細胞美白除斑 Whitening and removing spots on cells
黃杞葉 Wolfberry leaf
-消除粉刺痘痘 改善敏感肌 異位性皮膚炎
Eliminate acne acne, improve sensitive muscles, atopic dermatitis
[使用方式 How to use]
一般吃法: 早晚各一顆 General: 1 each morning and evening
加強吃法: 早晚各兩顆 Improve: 2 each morning and evening
[補充說明 Note]
*孕婦也能吃的玻尿酸 改善孕期肌膚粗糙 孕斑 黑色素沈澱
Hyaluronic acid can also be eaten by pregnant women Improves rough skin during pregnancy*一盒水光錠=8次水光針療程
One box of water light tablets = 8 water light needle treatments*重大疾病患者需詢問醫師
Patients with critical illnesses should consult a physician*生理期不影響 Not affected by physiological period
Chinese and Western medicine are recommended to be used a little apart*含有豬膠原蛋白胜肽,素食者應自行斟酌
Contains porcine collagen peptides, vegetarians should consider for themselves
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