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JEROSSE 婕樂纖 纖纖飲 Slim goddess potion PLUS+

單盒售價 $80 SGD per box

三合一組售價$216 SGD ($72 SGD each) 



[品名 Product Name]


JEROSSE 婕樂纖 纖纖飲 Slim goddess potion PLUS+ (14入/盒)
JEROSSE Slim Goddess potion PLUS + (14 pcs / box)



[成分 Ingredients]

洛神花萃取物 (Roselle Extract)

-溶脂 碎脂 崩脂, 透過賀爾蒙 減少體重腰圍,改善高血壓高血糖,減少飢餓感增加飽足感
Fat Dissolving, Fat Breaking, Fat Disintegrating, Hormone Reduction of Weight and Waist circumference, Improvement of Hypertension and Hyperglycemia, Reduction of Hunger and Increase of Satiety


柑橘多分萃取物 Sinetrol (Cinetrol Extract Sinetrol)

-增加肌肉量 不瘦奶 Soy extract 磷脂醯膽鹼 由大豆萃取出的成分, 主要用來將多餘的脂肪溶解乳化,再經由腸道與校便排出
Increase muscle mass. Soy extract Phosphatidylcholine is 
an ingredient extracted from soybeans, which is mainly used to dissolve and emulsify excess fat, and then excrete it through the intestines and stools


超級藤黃果萃取 Super citrimax (Super Garcinia Cambogia Extract)

-強效燃脂 Lepticore plant extract 受體素複合植物萃取物 增加飽足感,進食量有減少1/3
Powerful fat burning Lepticore plant extract Receptin complex plant extract Increases satiety and reduces food consumption by 1/3


法國綠咖啡萃取 (Svetol green coffee extractz)
-加速代謝燃燒脂肪 Inulin 菊苣纖維 促肌腸胃道蠕動
Accelerate metabolism and burn fat Inulin chicory fiber promote muscle gastrointestinal peristalsis


支鏈胺基酸 (Branched chain amino acid)
Increase muscle to achieve fat burning effect, propose immunity to soothe the body


白腎豆萃取物 (White kidney beans)
Reduce 66% of starch calorie absorption (bread lover's savior)


[使用方式 How to eat]


一天一包 One pack a day



[補充說明 Note]


*產品皆為天然植物來源 Products are of natural plant origin


*產品為高濃度萃取物 一天一包即可, 一天中最大餐的餐前使用
The product is a high-concentration extract. One pack per day is enough. Use before meals of the largest meal of the day.


Effects vary according to the individual's physical metabolism. It is recommended to match the sports diet and adjust the daily routine.


*開封後直接食用,如果沒吃完建議密封冷藏.如果口感太甜太稠,喝完纖纖飲後再喝點開水 *體態控制至少需3個月
Consume directly after opening. If it is not finished, it is recommended to seal and refrigerate. If the taste is too sweet and thick, drink some water after drinking fiber fiber. * Body control needs at least 3 months.


Traditional Chinese medicines that are not for weight loss can be used together, it is recommended to interval 2 hours


*纖纖飲和爆纖錠不需間隔, 一定要多喝水!!
There is no need to separate the fiber drink and fiber ingots. Drink plenty of water! !!


 If there is a rush to the toilet, diarrhea, cooing stomach, a lot of fart or bloating are normal, because the fiber drink ingredients will accelerate gastrointestinal motility, and will recover after a pair of time conditioning the gastrointestinal tract


Xianxian drink is a natural ingredient and not a medicine, so it will not over- suppress appetite and cause hunger or malnutrition


Cold discomfort or acute gastrointestinal respiratory abnormalities can be suspended first

The chest tissue is different from other body fat accumulations. Xianxianyin will not first dissolve fat to complex chest fats. Usually, the boobs lose is due to improper intense dieting to lose weight quickly, so that the muscles of the chest can be reduced or collapsed or sagging. Xianxianyin is fat-soluble but does not damage muscle structure. It is recommended to eat more vegetable and fruit protein to supplement skin elasticity



[注意事項 Note]


Breastfeeding pregnant women, menstrual period, vegan edible


Not recommended for children under 12 years of age, indigestion and  diseases


*若有經期後群不適症狀,可依身體情況暫停使用, 經期結束後為死性調理身體的黃金期,使用纖纖飲搭配運動 事半功倍
If you have discomfort during your period, you can suspend use according to your physical condition. After the end of your period is the golden period of deadly conditioning your body. Take Xianxianyin with exercises yield twice the result with half the effort.


Hyperthyroidism, intestinal adhesions, pregnancy planning (hormonal changes), suggest to ask a specialist opinion


Not recommended for chemotherapy patients

    纖纖飲 Slim goddess potion PLUS+

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