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JEROSSE 婕樂纖 潘多娜的秘密 Pandona

單盒售價 $58 SGD per box

三合一組售價 $156 SGD ($52 SGD each )



[品名 Product name]


JEROSSE 婕樂纖 潘多那的秘密 Pandona, (30顆/盒)
JEROSSE Secret Pandona, (30 pcs / box)


[成分 Ingredients ]


Japan Injection and Placenta-Activate Youth Cells

7GF促進肌膚新生 (promotes skin regeneration)

EGF 強化細胞再生 (enhances cell regeneration)

TRX_HGH 加速代謝老化細胞 (accelerates metabolism of aging cells)

a-FGF 刺激彈性纖維合成 (stimulates elastic fiber synthesis)

KGF 刺激自體膠原爆炸增生 (stimulates autologous collagen proliferation)

PDGF 強效修復癒合 (powerful repair healing)

IGF 填平身上的紋路 妊辰紋 (fills the lines on the body)

B-FGF 淡斑 縮小毛孔 (Blemish Reduces pores)

French White Truffle Extract-New Skin

Placental stem cells, regeneration factors, nucleic acids, embryons, active peptides, minerals, proteins, amino acids, sugars, vitamins, mucopolysaccharides, lipid fatty acids



[使用方式 How to use ]


一般保養: 一天一顆 General maintenance: 1 per day

加強保養: 一天兩顆 Enhanced maintenance: 2 a day

fter cleansing the face, apply on the entire eye area and neck



[補充說明 Note ]


*混搭保養品順序 Skin care sequence

Face wash _ toner _ lotion _ essence _ Pandona


*當按摩油: 洗臉後用兩顆潘多娜的秘密,均勻塗抹全臉,由下往上按摩至吸收,可有效改善水腫及緊緻臉部線條.
Use as massage oil: After washing your face, use two Pandona to evenly spread the entire face. Massage from bottom to top to absorb, which can effectively improve edema and tighten facial lines.

The product itself has the function of hydrating + locking water + rejuvenation. It does not need to be rinsed off after massage, please let the skin absorb it by itself


Pandora's secret ingredients are simple, without added preservatives, alcohol, flavors, fragrances, no whitening or fruit acid ingredients, no artificial coloring and other skin stimulating ingredients, sensitive skin, rosy skin or pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers Can be used with peace of mind


潘朵那的秘密有以下作用Pandora has the following functions:

增生 青春細胞 Hyperplasia

強化 肌膚彈性 Strengthen skin elasticity

抑制 細胞老化 Inhibit cell aging

抵抗 外在傷害 Resistance to external injuries

清爽不油膩 3秒吸收 Refreshing and non-greasy 3 second absorption

潘多娜的秘密 Pandona

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